Monday, August 29, 2011

A Guide To Stocking Tropical Freshwater Fish Tank Aquariums

A Guide To Stocking Tropical Freshwater Fish Tank Aquariums
Match-Making Fish
To make your fish tank a stunning swirl of color and activity, you will want to add a variety of tropical freshwater fish. All fish have different fin designs, patterns, colors, shapes, sizes, temperaments and ideal living conditions. 

For the welfare of fish and therefore the success of fish tank aquariums, it is necessary that you research the fish you would like, to know which ones can live together in health and harmony. 

For example, you cannot match (i.e. without stressing or harming your fish) peaceful and aggressive fish, ones that like cooler water and ones that need higher temperatures etc. Common sense stuff!

Space Out Your Fish
A good idea is to select fish that occupy different levels in tank aquariums so they don't need to compete for space. This adds a fair amount of activity and variety, enhancing the appeal of your fish tank.

Top-Dwelling Fish
Top-dwelling fish generally have upturned mouths for feeding at the water's surface. Danios are active and hardy with a long lifespan making them ideal especially for beginning aquarists. 

One of the most well-liked tropical freshwater fish is the Betta, an easy to look after, peaceful fish with striking fins and a remarkable variety of color. Hatchetfish are unusual but are moderately difficult to manage and are strong jumpers, so you need to replace the lid of your fish tank immediately after feeding and maintenance.

Middle-Dwelling Fish
Middle-dwelling fish could be most striking and be stocked with a mixture of schooling fish and larger colorful fish. Schooling fish are obviously happiest when they are among their own kind and you need to have around six. Examples of schooling fish include Rainbow fish and Tetras.
Rainbow fish are simple to take care of and their amazing iridescent colorations change when light reflects off these fish.

Neon Tetras choose to swim or remain suspended in schools to create a breathtaking array of color. All types of Platies and Guppies are excellent for middle-dwelling fish. 

They are both easy care fish and come in many bright color variations which add excitement and brilliance to tank aquariums. For something slightly larger, Swordtails are easy to look after and have wonderfully diverse fin and color varieties. Mollies add drama and contrast to any fish tank but require a moderate level of care. The following small Gouramis are of a peaceful temperament and easy to look after: Neon Blue Dwarf, Sparkling Gourami and Dwarf Gouramis.

Angels are a striking fish to include in your aquarium but bear in mind they are semi-aggressive and growing to 6 inches they also require at least a 30 gallon tank. 

For a larger tank (50 gallons), Cichlids are an option but many can show signs of aggression. Examples of peaceful ones are Acei Cichlid, Albino Kribensis Cichlid and Brichardi Cichlid. Of course, the Goldfish remains the most popular freshwater fish and comes in many varieties with amazing color patterns and features.

Bottom-Dwelling Fish
Bottom-dwelling fish have down-turned mouths, enabling them to feed on food that falls to the bottom of the tank, thereby keeping the substrate clean. Cory Cats are entertaining, energetic and peaceful scavengers. 

They remain relatively small and survive in a wide range of water conditions. For larger tank aquariums (30-50 gallons), Loaches will add color, interest and beauty to your fish tank aquarium. They are active bottom dwelling scavengers ideally suited for the community aquarium.

All Aggressive or All Peaceful
You will have noticed that I mainly refer to peaceful fish. These community fish can co-exist peacefully with members of their own species and other species of similar size. Being the kind of person who likes to ‘keep the peace' I prefer easy-going fish for an easy life but if you like a bit more action, by all means pick aggressive fish. 

Just remember to keep all the fish species in your fish tank aggressive so no one gets bullied! Aggressive fish are aggressive toward their own species and/or other species, regardless of their size.

Size Of Fish Tank
Most of the fish mentioned are ideal for smaller tank aquariums. Danios, Platies, Bettas, Gouramis and Tetras measure around two inches and are good for the smaller 10 gallon tanks. 

Though small, Guppies thrive best in at least a 20 gallon tank along with Hatchetfish, while the larger Swordtails, Mollies, Rainbow Fish, Angels, Goldfish and Cory Cats will require a minimum of a 30 gallon tank. Loaches and Cichlids normally require a 50 gallon tank.

Do Your Homework!
These tropical freshwater fish are only a guide to varieties of fish which would be suitable in tropical freshwater aquariums. 

It is essential that you research the fish including size, temperament, the tending they require in order to grow and breed, the food they eat, and the water parameters in which each individual type of fish is the most comfortable with. This will be vital in determining the varieties of fish that can be suitably matched. Copyright © 2009 Jill Kaestner @ Kaestner Marketing LLC

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