Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cichlids- Avoid Black Algae In Your Fish Tank

Cichlids- Avoid Black Algae In Your Fish Tank
One of the major explanations why numerous individuals on a global basis have become infatuated by fish tanks is that they can give you an easily attained basis of relief and leisure for a small amount of your time, outlay and exertion. Considering everything, what other hobby can give you similar benefits that a fish tank can, over the same period of time for similar expenditure?

One aspect that people tend to overlook is the necessity of fish tank care so that the duty of the proper cleaning is carried out to ensure a proper hygiene level which is an essential for the health and well being of your pet fish. If you neglect this essential cleaning regime, you put your fish in jeopardy and end up with a cloudy fish tank. There is no other factor that has a more important effect and plays an essential part in ensuring that your fish along with other aquatic animals and plants maintain a high level of health and happiness which in turn gives us the benefit of watching them for many years to come.

Over time, black algae can form on the sides of the tank and along with uneaten food which accumulates in the gravel at the bottom of the tank will become a cleaning issue. The solution is to confront the likely dilemma prior to it occurring by using fish which eat algae and fish which swim and feed at the bottom of the tank, cat fish are an example of these species. These help in your fight against debris building up on the bottom and algae being allowed to get out of control on the sides of the tank.
There are certain aquarium life that we class as scavengers of various forms, ranging from small to moderate sises of fish to little crabs. All of these creatures do a certain task and you will have to make the right choice. The most of these will gorge themselves on the black algae which in turn helps to limit it. You need to be aware how the various species get along with each other, as some especially the larger species have the tendency to chase, harass and even eat the smaller ones.

With these points taken, you will need to keep an eye on the chemistry of the aquarium water and take out say 10% and add 10% fresh water at a time. Fish abhor huge changes hence the recommendation to gradually change it instead of all in one go. This important time spent on fish tank care will benefit you in the long run and prevent problems such as black algae and having a cloudy fish tank causing your fish to become unwell.


View a good selection of custom made and starter aquarium tanks in a wide range of sizes to suit your needs.


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