Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Yucatan's Cichlid Firemouth

Cichlid Firemouth
Yucatan's Cichlid Firemouth also known as Thorichthys meeki originated from Mexico specifically located from the Yucatan peninsula. Firemouth Cichlid ranges habit can reside in any locales such as rivers, lakes, streams as well as ponds in the Yucatan. Are you aware one of the most popular of the Cichlidae fish species is the Cichlid Firemouth if you haven't seen the Yucatan's Cichlid Firemouth before you are in for a real treat? 

Cichlid Firemouth recognized and is regarded as among the most beautiful cichlid in the western hemisphere. This fish is definitely more colorful during breeding. It exudes a stunning red-orange color on its ventral region and will often extend pectoral and caudal fins specimens. 

Usually the color and hue of the body a white gray color promoting silvery color in aquarium environment. The firemouth thrives in water which has a pH level of 7.5 to 8.5 in addition to a GH of slightly hard water to neutral. Supplying the aquarium with caves as well as dark areas is essential for your Cichlid Firemouth.

How would you like to learn the "simple secrets" to maintaining and reproducing, lively, bright and healthy Cichlid Fire-mouths? The following article is going to teach you all about the Cichlid Fire-mouth. In fact, I will show you how to make Cichlid Fire-mouth keeping easy for you.
Determining the gender of Firemouth may be done through the color. Males possess a more colorful color with a filament-like extension at the rear part of the dorsal fin. It is hard to pinpoint the sex of Firemouth at juvenile stage but when it reaches about 7cm the dimorphism becomes more evident.
Witnessing and recognizing the mating rituals of your firemouth cichlid will be helpful to you, in this way you won’t panic and assume your cichlids are trying to kill one another; mating is similar to those with other cichlids, and is able to do so in a year older and will also lay its eggs in caves or any safe area of the tank. Both parents tend to defend their fry although one will concentrate more in playing the role of a guard. Both Yucatan's Cichlid Firemouth will transfer their eggs from one cave to another from time to time and their fry will be free to swim in a matter of four days. Firemouth makes an excellent parent especially when it comes to caring and defending their fry. The safest time to remove the fry is when they have reached about half a centimeterthen you can sale the fry.
Whether cichlid Firemouth is suitable to be a community aquarium has been actively in dispute comprising with different opinions from different hobbyist. It is not a good tank mate for small fishes and to tetras when Firemouth reaches its full size of 15 centimeters or more. Though they are lovely pets, they can be quite unpredictable sometimes but with the proper way in handling they can cause no harm.

Firemouth by nature is a territorial fish; the attacking and the wading of other cichlids are extremely impressive and wonderful. Actually, it may just be a show because no harm is done with the other fishes inside the same tank. The flaring of the gills and even the posture of the fins are more likely a tactic to intimidate but not mainly to harm. Firemouth exudes beautiful colors and admires antics they are described as cichlids that portray beauty beyond words I can testify too,

Firemouth is a great choice for beginners in cichlid collecting since caring for them is not so fragile. They can live in a wide range of water parameters and are extremely hardy. Availability can be abundant thus making them affordable.

Firemouth Cichlid eats just about anything fed to them they are not so meticulous and picky when it comes to food. They appreciate being fed with flakes, live or frozen foods. Nowadays, you can readily find and buy fish foods that are a great source of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they basically need.
Facts about Cichlid Firemouth

The Cichlid Firemouth has quite the unusually distinctive shape and characteristics. It has fiery devil red colors mixed with deep blues and grays. It is an extremely beautiful fish! Many people will wonder where you got your new exotic pet.

As you can guess, the Cichlid Fire-mouth is so aptly named because of the fiery coloration on the under side of the fish's mouth. It has a very bright red throat and belly. This coloring starts at the far end of the tail and will extend all the way around to the mouth.

Now the body of the Cichlid Fire-mouth is generally made up of blue and gray with numerous tiny black specks. Sometimes you just might even see one that has brown fins streaked with touches of blues. There are many different coloration of this fish. You will almost never see two alike. This is because there are so many different places in the world that the fish live. So it depends on each fish exact place of birth.

The Yucatan's Cichlid Firemouth can usually be counted on to be peaceful with tank mates but there can be exceptions to that rule. This will be when the fish is spawning. During breeding times, they can be somewhat aggressive towards other fish in their habitat as well as becoming aggressive towards smaller members of their own species. Usually they will do no harm and this can be a very fun animal interaction to watch as a family.

During the reproductive cycle, the male Cichlid Firemouth will predominately continue to display these bluffs towards other fish. The Cichlid Firemouth will assume an aggressive stance where the fish will inflate his fiery red throat sac and gill covers. This is amazing when they do this. You will be astounded. It has been discovered by ethologists that the red coloring itself is intimidating to other fish.

During spawning 100-500 eggs can be produced, and both parents care for the fry. If you are thinking of breeding these fish for profit, then you will be pleasantly surprised. They make wonderful breeding fish and people love to buy them!

For the Fire mouth Cichlids habitat, they like a tank bottom of fine sand and substrate that has plenty of hiding places among rocks, wood, and whatever else you would like to place in the aquarium. Plants are also very much appreciated by the Cichlid Fire mouth as they love to hide in them and rest sometimes .You will want to place more hardy type of plants, such as Sagittaria, around the inside perimeter and leaving an open area in the center for swimming. The plants will need to be potted to protect the roots as the fire mouths may try to upend them.

Scientific Information

  • Scientific Name: Thorichthys meeki

  • Family: Cichlidae

  • Origin: Mexico Yucatan peninsula

  • Adult Size: 6 inches (15 cm)

  • Social: Territorial

  • Lifespan: 10-15 years

  • Tank Level: Bottom dweller

  • Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallon

  • Diet: Omnivore eats most foods prefer shrimp

  • Breeding: Egglayers

  • Care: Easy to Moderate

  • pH: 7.0 to 8.5

  • Water Hardness: up to 10 dGH

  • Temperature: 70 to75 F (21-24 C)

Myths Regarding Firemouth Cichlids: Now I know that many people say that "Keeping Cichlid Firemouth is not too difficult". Or maybe you have heard other say "They are far too aggressive". And of course the most common misconception that I usually hear of is "You cannot keep them with other fish". All of the above statements are completely false. These fish are super easy to care for. Their aggression is laughable and fun to watch as they do no harm whatsoever. And of course the Cichlid Fire mouth loves to be around other types of fish in your home tank.

You just need to take the time to learn how to keep Cichlid Fire mouths the right way. and I hope you enjoyed reading my article today about the Cichlid Fire mouth!


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