Sunday, June 3, 2012

Easy to Raise, Easy to Breed-Peaceful Dwarf Flag Cichlids

Dwarf Flag Cichlid
Dwarf flag cichlid this is one of the easiest dwarf Cichlids to breed. I had a pair in a 20 gal. community tank spawn without even realizing it. I noticed all the other fish at the other end of the tank with the Dwarf flag cichlid male standing guard, while the female Dwarf flag cichlid swam around with her brood behind her. I now have a pair in 10 gal. tank and feed them a good diet and they look as if they are ready to spawn again.

The color change in the Dwarf flag cichlid male is magnificent. Slightly acidic water, good diet, plenty of plants and rocks, and success is pretty much guaranteed.
Food and feeding

Dwarf flag cichlids always does best on live or frozen foods. Earthworms, chopped finely, blood worms, brine shrimp, and tubifex will bring out their full coloration.
Maximum size in aquariums (min-max):


  •  10 gallon minimum or 37.854 117 84 liters max  50 gallon=189.3 liters
  •  Recommended pH of water for Dwarf flag cichlid:  6 - 7.8
  • Recommended water temperature for Dwarf flag cichlid: 22 - 28 °C -71.6 - 82.4 °F
  • Compatibility (temperament to other fish species): peaceful
  • Preferred swimming area in the aquarium: Bottom levels
  • How Dwarf flag cichlid species reproduces: Spawning
  • So Easy to Raise, Easy to Breed-Peaceful Dwarf Flag Cichlids
  • Origin Dwarf Flag Cichlids this species originates from:South America
    Dwarf flag cichlids originate from the Amazon tributaries in South America

    The Dwarf flag cichlid male is usually more brightly colored with extended dorsal and anal fins.

    Laetacara curviceps will breed at a very young age. The pair should be conditioned on live foods and the male will then commence to clean a spawning site, flat rocks or a section of tank glass is the usual places.  After a few days of spawning the eggs should hatch but the fry will not be free swimmers until 5-7 days later. The parents will share their duties of protecting the fry and sometimes will move them in their mouths around the tank. The fry should be fed newly hatched brine shrimp or crushed flake initially.

    Laetacara curviceps
    Laetacara curviceps, aka the flag acara or dwarf flag cichlid is a dwarf cichlid lives in habits off forested area streams or in sluggish tributaries and swamps off the main river channels or slow-moving rivers and streams as well as ponds and lakes in the vicinity of the Brazilian Amazon Basin. Flag acaras are commonly kept in aquariums though they were more popular in the past; nowadays other dwarf cichlids like apistos and rams have become the predominate favorites.

    Laetacara curviceps is one of several Laetacara species. All are small and make good aquarium inhabitants. Several different species can be found at times through specialty organizations like the American Cichlid Association

    This beautiful little species was previously included in the genus Aequidens and is referred to as such in older literature. The current genus name Laetacara was erected in 1986, and is derived from the Latin word 'Laetus', meaning happy. This was settled upon as the species it contains are often referred to as 'smiling' acaras, in reference to the distinctive markings around their mouthparts. There are a handful of undescribed species that have been tentatively placed in the genus. L. sp. "Buckelkopf" and L. sp. "Orangeflossen", in particular have achieved a fair degree of popularity in the hobby.


    Characteristics of living in the home aquarium

    Step 1: Selecting the Laetacara curviceps species is worthy choice; the flag acara very peaceful compared to most cichlids;

    Step 2: Flag acara will not uproot plants and well planted aquarium will be greatly appreciated and is necessary for this dwarf cichlid;

    Step 3: Laetacara curviceps adult male and female size adult male can measure 3.6" (9cm). Females are smaller, approximately 2.8" (7cm).

    Step 4: pH water range Flag acara prefers slightly acidic conditions, recommendation in the range 5.5-7.0.

    Step 5: Water hardness 2-10°dH

    Step 6: Recommended water temperature for Flag acara 24 - 29 °C ( 76 °F - 84 °F )

    Step 7: Add a number of broad leaved sword plants as well as a thicket of java moss and some floating water sprite and they will soon be ready to spawn.

    Step 8: Dwarf flag cichlid require slightly soft and acidic water but are sometimes tolerant of different conditions however it is important to try to keep water conditions as close to their natural habitat as they experience in the wild.

    Step 9: Flag acaras are ideal for communities with other peaceful Amazon fish;

    Step 10: Flag acara tank mates could be tetras and apistos. However, you must be careful in selecting Dwarf flag cichlids tank mates as they are easily bullied by more aggressive fish, even those that are much smaller Remember Laetacara curviceps species is shy and easily intimidated and breeding will be limited if at all.

    Step 11: Tank size should be at least 30 gallon or larger the larger the aquarium the easier to keep your tanks eco system balanced and clean conversely the smaller the aquarium the more difficult it is to maintain water quality, water flow, pH levels, temperature and build-ups of nitrogenous waste; you will be required to indulged in 1000% more work for a 10 gallon or 38 liter tank than you will need to do on 100 gallon or 379 liter tank.


    Laetacara curviceps Diet and Food

    Flag acara do best on live or frozen foods.
  • earthworms chopped finely;
  • blood worms;
  • brine shrimp live or frozen;
  • white worms will bring out their full coloration;
  • water fleas
  • Avoid tubifex worms they have been linked to bacteria that kill cichlids.

Lifespan Dwarf flag cichlids

Anticipated and expected lifespan is 2-4 years.

Breeding Laetacara curviceps

Step 1: Laetacara curviceps, flag acaras will pair up at a very young age as small as one and a half inches.

Step 2: The dwarf flag cichlid will flare at each other when pairing up and will later swim together and breed and they usually will stay with their mate for the rest of their lives.

Step 3: Laetacara curviceps it never takes much to trigger the breeding of flag acaras. Clear-cut beneficial living conditions are more often enough;

Step 4: For the flag acaras warm and clean water is mandatory and plentiful live food is necessary;

Steps to Successful Eggs, Hatching, Wigglers, Free Swimming Young  

Step 1: Laetacara curviceps prefer their eggs are usually laid on a leaf or upright structure or on a flat surface but they can also dig a hole and spawn directly on gravel or sand.

Step 2: Five to seven days the eggs will hatch and become wiggler; this is when the hatchling dwarf flag cichlid have hatched out of their eggs but are still attached to the spawning surface feeding off their yolk sacs which are attached to their stomachs.

Step 3: Subsequently when the five to seven days of being wigglers have past the fish have almost completely consumed their yolk sacs and become free swimming.

Step 4: Laetacara curviceps free swimming young is very small but they can normally eat newborn brine shrimp as their first food and crushed flakes. Laetacara curviceps young can also be fed liquid fry food which is available at most fish or pet stores with good care and frequent water changes you can raise quite a few from a single spawn and sell the young.

Laetacara curviceps Parenting Skills

Step 1: Both parents take turns guarding and protecting their eggs, wigglers, and fry.

Step 2: Laetacara curviceps are dedicated as the parents however they sometimes become confused and eat their own eggs.

Step 3: Laetacara curviceps if they become fearful for their brood's safety, Laetacara curviceps will pick up the fry in their mouth and move them across the tank and some times the scoop up the eggs for no apparent reason other than to take the eggs for a swim about.

Step 4: The flag acaras will take turns moving the fry, one standing guard over the already moved young.

Step 5: The fry are protected by their parents until they are moderately large and can fend for themselves.


 From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  • Laetacara curviceps
  • Scientific classification
  • Kingdom:       Animalia
  • Phylum:           Chordata
  • Class:             Actinopterygii
  • Order:             Perciformes
  • Family:            Cichlidae
  • Subfamily:      Cichlasomatinae
  • Genus:            Laetacara
  • Species:         L. curviceps
  • Binomial name: Laetacara curviceps
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clar said...

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Anonymous said...

As for Me I have a male gold Gourami and female Opaline Gourami🔵 I will add 4 redeye tetras and 1 single male dwarf flag cichlid🚩

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