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Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Petite'. Anubias petite |
Live Aquarium Plants; Low Light Plants; ANUBIAS NANA PETITE, Beautiful anubias specie
Anubias Barteri Var. Nana 'Petite'. Anubias petite is one of the smallest anubias specie. The leaves average around the size of finger nail which makes it great for nano tanks or to dress up small pieces of driftwood. They do great from low light to high light tanks. Attach them to driftwood, aquarium decorations, or plant in your substrate. This plant does well in almost any water type and lighting again this is great plant for your South American Convict cichlids because the convict cichlid requires low light and this plant grows well in low light; remember to purchase a cheap automatic timer so your tank lights will be turned off after running for no more than 7 hours.
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Anubias petite is one of the smallest anubias specie |
Hardiness: Very Easy
Light Needs: Low
Plant Structure: Rhizome
Family: Araceae
Genus: Anubias
Region: Cultivar
Location: Cultivar
Size: 3-5cm (1-2in) tall
Family: Araceae
Continent: Cultivar
Height: 3-5 cm
Width: 5-10+ cm
Light requirements: very low-high
Temperature: 20-30 °C
Hardness tolerance: very soft or very hard
pH tolerance: 6-8
Growth: very slow
Demands: easy
This is a very rare find. This Anubia is a hybrid miniature nana. It only needs low light, it's hardy and very easy to grow. Each plant is less than the size of a 50 cent piece full grown!! The Nana Petite is ideally suitable for miniature aquascapes for small aquariums.
Home Plantpedia Search Results Anubias nana var. 'Petite'
Anubias nana var. 'Petite'
Anubias nana 'Petite'
Background History
Nicknamed by hobbyists as "nana petite", Anubias barteri var. nana ‘Petite’ is a neat little plant that has become a favorite low maintenance mid-ground plant. Originally cultivated from the Anubias barteri var. nana, the petite version exhibits very condense and compact leaf growth.
Anubias nana ‘Petite’ is not demanding and fills up the little empty spaces in between nooks and crannies. Best of all this tiny plant can be moved around since it is best tied onto small rocks or small pieces of driftwood.
Anubias nana ‘Petite’ has great aquascaping potential for just about every aquarium, but can be especially useful in nano aquascapes.
Growth Characteristics
Anubias nana ‘Petite’ is composed of several small leaves and a hard stalks stem called a rhizome. The entire plant grows to approximately 2 inch wide by 2 inch tall (5 cm). The ½ inch wide (1 cm) leaves are beautifully round and dark green. These tiny leaves sprout from a rhizome which extends roots that anchor the plant to rocks and the substrate.
Like most Anubias species, Anubias nana ‘Petite’ does not require much attention. Regular water changes and the occasional dose of fertilizers will keep this plant healthy. It grows well in a wide range of water conditions, but grows fastest in cool water, high light and carbon dioxide inject setups. In lower light conditions, it is truly a low maintenance plant and will continue to grow slowly (1-2 leaves a month).
A recommend trimming once a month allows new leaves to grow. Anubias nana ‘Petite’ are susceptible to black brush algae [BBA], and Green spot algae [GSA]. This can be an eyesore but it is easily remedied. Trim any algae infected leaves, and soak in 1 part bleach to 20 parts water. The thin filaments of the algae infesting the plant will start to whiten. At this point remove and rinse the Anubias nana ‘Petite’ and its leaves with a few drops of anti-chlorine. Rub each leaf off of the dying algae. One final freshwater rinse will clean off the leaves completely.
Anubias nana ‘Petite’ is easily propagated by splitting a healthy rhizome, ensuring both halves contain at least three leaves.
Aquascaping Application
Anubias nana ‘Petite’ looks best in groups of at least 3 plants. Attach the rhizome to driftwood using thread or fishing line. Small Rocks may be also attached, which provides greater mobility in rearrange an aquascape later.
Aquascapers often plant this plant in smaller bunches at the base of driftwood or stones, or they may attempted to create a large Anubias nana ‘Petite’ retaining-like wall serves as a borders against other plants. Aquascapers also enjoy pairing Anubias nana ‘Petite’ with other species of larger species of Anubias to fill in open pockets of space or Anubias nana ‘Petite’ is a versatile plant in nano aquascapes. It can serve as a foreground or a background plant.
Anubias nana 'Petite'
Plant Profile
Scientific Name: Anubias nana var. 'Petite'
Common Name: Anubias nana 'Petite'
Difficulty: Very Easy
CO2 Requirements: Very Low
Lighting Requirements: Low
Plant Arrangement: Foreground
Growth Rate: Slow
Family: Araceae
Genus: Anubias
Origin: Undefined/Unknown
Plant Type: Rhizome
Water Hardness: Medium (GH = 9-13 dH)
Accessories for this product...
Lead Weights (not pure) Plant Anchors (quantity of 10) or Professional Plant Anchors)
www.AquariumPlants.com: SUBSTRATE VITALIZATION
Reviews for Anubias nana ‘Petite’
so cute! January 31, 2012
Reviewer: Kelly from Stockton, CA United States
This nana the second time was very very healthy and pretty good sized, no pot as I thought I was getting, but I got 5 small bunches which is better.
Beautiful and hardy July 7, 2011
Reviewer: Yemanou from New Hampshire
I bought these for a low tech 10 gallon with LED lights and no CO2. I fixed the plants with rubberbands on lavarocks (which I bought from home depot barbecue section). After three months they doubled in size and are now well anchored in the lava rock, which allows me to easily move them around with the rock. The look beautiful in dark green and are very dense. I already cut the stem and am growing new plants. These grow well under average light conditions and without CO2.
Nice little plant February 20, 2011
Reviewer: Simon Houle from Elko, NV United States
I ordered 3 of these and only received 2. I was billed for 3. Never got a reply to the email I sent aqueriumplant.com the day I received the plants. Otherwise, those are nice looking anubias; many leaves’ dying but some new growth after 1 month under 2 watt/gallons.
Awesome Little Plants! October 23, 2010
Reviewer: Iain from Mill Creek, WA United States
True to their name, these guys are small and very compact. While I've only been in the hobby since January 2010, and while there have been some plants that I have not been able to keep alive, it has been great to watch these plants grow and grow! I struggled to figure out where to put them at first, since all my other plants tower over them, I found putting them in pieces of (freshwater aquarium safe) rock. They rooted quickly to the rock and seem to flourish in it! Although, I can't seem to keep algae from growing on the leaves... Great plant can't go wrong with this one!
Excellent aquarium plant! October 22, 2010
Reviewer: Hasan Karaahmet from Istanbul, Turkey
When you're ordering perishable aquatic plants, their ability to survive in an air-tight, dark, often too hot or too cold packaging and without a lot of nutrients for at least 2-3 days is of utmost importance. This plant came to me in nearly top condition on the 4th day, unlike the Pelia (fully dead) that I had also ordered. That alone should give you a good idea of how hardy this plant is.
It is a small, short plant that grows very slowly. I've had mine for about two months now and I'd say it's grown by only about 5-10%. No CO2, no fertilizer, low-medium light. If you have carpeting in mind, you'll need to order this in numbers.
My sample is about half an inch tall, with another 1/2 inch going into the short root system. Ecliptic shape with an avg. diameter of 1 inch. It's dark green in color, suggestive of a lot of chlorophyll and efficient photosynthesis. Leaves are small but very hardy. Most forms of algae cannot accumulate on them and most species of fish won't eat them.
If you purchased this plant you would be buying 1 rooted plant that will have 12+ leaves. Approx size is 1.5" x 1.5".
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